Women Who Lead: Sharai Lavoie with Lavoie CPA

Women Who Lead: Sharai Lavoie with Lavoie CPA

Each #WomenWhoLead feature will be showcased on a wall mural in South End Charlotte. If you know a woman leader who you want to feature on the wall, please click the button to nominate her.

Although Sharai Lavoie doesn’t like talking about herself, there certainly is a lot to keep the conversation going. 

Lavoie is the founder and CEO of Lavoie CPA, a professional services and technology firm that provides strategic advice to its roster of clients. Since starting her own company in 2009, Lavoie was awarded the Woman in Business award in 2017 by the Charlotte Business Journal. 

“I never wanted [my business] to be a typical partner structure,” Lavoie says. “The passion in what we do is around knowing that you’re making a difference in the company that you’re working with.”

We sat down with Lavoie, who graciously answered a few questions about her experience in business and finance. 

What were you able to do as the founder of your own company that you couldn’t working for someone else? 

When you’re working for someone else, you can see that something needs to be done but you don’t necessarily have the power to act upon it, making it happen. In having your own business, if I see that, okay, I think we’re going down the right path or we need to go in a different direction, I don’t have anybody to argue with about it other than myself. And what does that mean for the employees and planning for that side of things, versus, you know, having to convince somebody that we really need to be going in this direction or we really need to pay more attention to this part of what’s going on in the world. I don’t have to convince somebody of that.


Because you don’t have to convince anyone, are you able to do your job better? Are you able to maximize your skills in the ways they’re meant to be maximized?

Some days. Some days I am; some days I’m not. It’s just because we are a smaller company, so I do have to wear a lot of hats. But as we grow, I do get to say “This is where I’m best suited, so I’m going to focus my time here and I’m going to backfill for anything that I may be doing that I’m not suited for.” And so from that perspective, yes. 


Tell us about the process of opening your own business. 

[Opening my own business] is just something I’ve always wanted to do. I was working on it at the place that I’d left to start my own business. I was kind of doing what I’m doing now on a much smaller scale and the owner, he gave me the confidence to do it if I wanted to do it. He saw in me what I knew I had in myself. He saw it and he acknowledged it. I wasn’t like “Oh, in two years, I’m going to [start a firm] and that’s what’s gonna happen.” It was just kind of one of those things. I know I can do it, I just need to figure out how to make it happen and do it. And he was like “Yeah, go for it,” and that’s what I did.


You sound so cool, calm and collected when talking about the experience. 

It’s the scariest thing you’ll ever do. Yeah. It’s the scariest thing you’ll ever do. And I think having your first couple of employees is really scary because then you realize that you’re responsible for someone’s livelihood. 


In those scary moments, what did you do to keep moving forward? 

Honestly, I would just pray and say “Look, you’ve gotten this far. You can just keep going.” 

You can believe in yourself, but you doubt yourself every step of the way. There was no book that I read [on how to start a firm] or any of that. It was just “I’m gonna do this. If this messes up, there are other things that I know I can do because I’ve gotten this experience to do this.” I just would pray about it and say “Okay. Get over yourself and get going.”


Why is advancing women in business important to you? 

From the woman’s perspective, you know, you spend so much time with people, so to speak, putting you in your place: “This is your place; those are your boundaries.” And I love to see women take up roles in a man’s space because it says “Screw you; you missed out.” That’s the part about women in business that I love. 

When you spend time hearing people tell you can’t do things because that’s not what women are supposed to do, or this is as far as you’ll probably get, or you’ll probably drop out of the workforce and have kids — and if you do that, that’s great, that’s your decision. I mean, a year into starting the business I found out that I was pregnant. I could have easily said, “Well, no one’s gonna want to work for me. After they see I’m pregnant, they’re gonna be like, ‘Well is she really going to be around or serious about this?’” But luckily, we had great clients and they got it. 

So for me, I guess it’s more of, [as a woman] you’ve kind of been looked over for so long. And there are so many women doing so many things that they fly under the radar, why not celebrate them?


What barriers existed at the start of your career that have since changed? 

One thing I experienced, not directly from my bosses but inadvertently—and over time I have seen it change—is being viewed as more of a helper versus someone that could lead. You’re viewed as more of an assistant, like, “You can help me with some of these projects but don’t think you’re going to present anything.” So it’s more of that. But I think over time it’s been more of, “Oh, she can take that and run with it and lead with it.” 


What do you hope the future of finance looks like? 

I hope that the future is more diverse. And I think that the future of accounting and finance is going to be a different landscape where the people that are in it are there more for the strategic side of things. Because I think a lot of things will end up being automated. And so I’m hoping that it will be more diverse in the sense that people aren’t just looking at you as these are the few things that you do, they realize that it’s a much broader scope.


You may have been in positions where you were the only woman, so there were no senior women to mentor you. Now that you’re in this executive position, how do you feel about mentoring others? 

I actually mentor with Innovate Charlotte. I’ll do it in a heartbeat. If you have something that you can tell someone or a resource you can provide to them, you should. It shouldn’t feel like a space where you feel like “Oh I can’t tell this person this because of XYZ.” 

If you don’t ask, you don’t get, and if you don’t speak about it you don’t learn. Nobody can read your mind. You have to be willing to pay it forward. And I guess for me, with mentoring and trying to mentor, it’s more about paying forward. Helping someone else so that maybe they don’t have to have as hard of a road as I have had. 

What are you most proud of? 

I think I’m probably most proud of the fact that I made it this far as a mom and my son still thinks I’m cool. It just gives me the courage to do this.

Really, how so?

Because [my son] gets to see that a woman in this position is how it’s supposed to be. He thinks I can do anything.

What is a new skill you’re learning right now? 

To forgive myself. Honestly, learning to forgive myself. Stuff is gonna happen, and you just have to deal with it and keep going. Anything that you do, so long as you’re doing it from a space of good and what you think is the right thing to do, then it’s okay. You just have to do it from the right place to start with, it doesn’t matter if you fall on your face.

2021 Candidate – LLS Man & Woman of the Year Sharai Lavoie

2021 Candidate – LLS Man & Woman of the Year Sharai Lavoie

Lavoie’s CEO, Sharai Lavoie, has been selected to participate in the 2021 Man & Women of the Year (10-week challenge) to help raise funds for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) for Blood Cancer Research. The competition kicked off in March 2021, and she needs our help!

Sharai shared, “As you know, everyone wins when cancer loses. There is still much work to do.  When I look across my life and experiences, cancer has touched so many of my family members and friends in varying forms.”

There are many ways to support Sharai and participate in this local Man & Woman of the Year campaign. If you are driven to find cures for blood cancer like Sharai is, we’d love for you to join her Change for Change challenge: changeforchangechallenge.com. Contributions of up to $5,000 will be matched by Epic Notion at a 1:1 ratio to a total of $10,000.

If you want to donate directly to Sharai’s team page, you can click here

All donations are greatly appreciated and tax-deductible. They’ll not only support LLS research, but patient services, advocacy, public and professional education, and community services as well.

At Lavoie, we know it’s important for our team to get involved in the community and look forward to supporting Sharai on this 10-week fundraising journey. Thank you for supporting this great cause.

What is Man & Woman of the Year?

The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s (LLS) Man & Woman of the Year campaign is a 10-week philanthropic competition for leaders in local communities across the United States.

Candidates and their teammates raise funds for LLS in honor of local blood cancer survivors, the Boy & Girl of the Year. The title “Man or Woman of the Year” is awarded to the candidate whose team raises the most funds during the competition. The top man & woman candidates in the country are awarded with the national title.

Strategic Financial Planning In 2 Questions

Strategic Financial Planning In 2 Questions

Developing a strategic financial plan can seem daunting; however, it can be boiled down into two questions: what are you doing now and where do you want to be? This article walks you through the process of answering these two questions, providing a foundation for developing a financial strategy for your organization.

Question 1: What Are You Doing Now?

Every journey has a starting point and an ending point. Before you can implement a plan to achieve your financial goals, it is important to consider where you are now.

Current State of the Numbers

The current state of your organization’s numbers are a good starting point when determining your organization’s capability to meet its financial goals.  Some important questions to ask include:

  • Are you in a position of stability? Financial stability is vital to reaching “stretch” goals.  If the organization is not currently financially stable, it is important to identify this fact and develop a strategy for achieving stability as a first step in the planning process.
  • What is actually coming in/out the door? Knowing the size of the company’s cash reserves is not enough for financial planning.  How much revenue is coming into the organization and how much is going out again as expenses?
  • What is fueling the majority of your expenses? While increasing sales is one way of improving the organization’s financial footing, the ability to do so depends on the market and potential customers.  Identifying and minimizing expenses increases profits as well but is less impacted by external factors.


Achieving financial goals requires the support of the entire organization.  Take a moment to consider your organization’s culture and if the company has the maturity and ability to meet its goals.

  • Do your decisions match your vision and mission? An organization’s goals and procedures are important, but actions are even more so.  Are your decisions, both recent and historical, helping to move the organization towards its goals?
  • Would your employees agree? Employees throughout the organization can have different perspectives, insights, and recommendations.  Ask those “down in the weeds” how well the company is following its vision and mission and how they believe things could do better.

Question 2: Where Do You Want To Be?

The effectiveness of a strategic plan can only be effectively measured if there are usable metrics.  Before starting to build a plan to improve the organization’s financial position, it is necessary to define success and failure.


The first step in defining “success” for a financial strategy is defining concrete targets.  From there, the next question to ask is what do you need to achieve your targets?

  • Human Capital.  Does your organization have the human capital necessary to achieve its goals?  This not only includes headcount but access to the specific skill sets required now and in the future.
  • Acquisitions. Does your organization have the capabilities that it requires?  Are there areas of your business where things could be done more effectively or efficiently?
  • IT Investments. The IT landscape is evolving rapidly, and new solutions have the potential to dramatically improve operational efficiency and effectiveness.  Are there any IT investments that the organization should make that would help in reaching its targets?


A failure to properly monitor and manage expenses is one of the most common ways that businesses fail to achieve their financial goals.  Gaining visibility into past, present, and future expenditures is an essential part of financial planning.

  • How can you gain more visibility into your expenditures? Visibility into expenditures is essential to identifying opportunities for optimizations and cost cutting.  How can you achieve a higher level of visibility into business operations?
  • Do you have an idea of your cash flow on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis? What level of visibility do you currently have into your organization’s cash flows?  Examining cash flows at the daily, weekly, and monthly level can help to identify potential inefficiencies and opportunities.

Beginning Your Strategic Financial Plan

Answering the questions that were asked in this article enables you to lay the groundwork for developing your organization’s financial strategy.  To learn about the next steps in your financial planning process, download the CEO’s Guide to Strategic Financial Planning.

Lavoie Secures Kelley Michalski as Partner and Vice President of Operations

Lavoie Secures Kelley Michalski as Partner and Vice President of Operations

Lavoie secured Kelley Michalski as Partner and Vice President of Operations. Lavoie is excited to welcome Kelley Michalski to our team as our new Partner and Vice President of Operations in Charlotte, NC. In this role, Michalski will be responsible for managing client operations, maintaining internal control structures, and providing strategic support to our clients and organizations. As Lavoie continues to grow exponentially year over year, Michalski’s leadership will be an invaluable asset in reaching our goals.

“I am truly looking forward to being a part of an established market leader in the finance field,” said Michalski. “I’m excited to become a contributor to the growth of Lavoie.” 

Michalski brings with her over 20 years of experience leading strategic financial planning and implementation. Her wide breadth of practice includes everything from overseeing financial performance and organizational governance to managing risk and compliance. She has excelled in creating sustainable, data-driven financial strategies by developing a foundation of analytics to fuel tactical and long-term business decisions. Michalski’s leadership and expertise will be valuable additions to the Lavoie team.

“We are delighted to have Kelley become a Partner with the company. Through Kelley’s involvement with our team over the years, she has shown herself to be an exceptional leader in the industry,” said Sharai Lavoie, Lavoie’s CEO/Managing Member.

Prior to joining Lavoie, Michalski was the Chief Financial Officer for a subsidiary of a Fortune 15 organization and the owner of a small business located in Charlotte. A graduate of Iowa State University, Michalski brings with her an entrepreneurial mindset to support organizations of all sizes.

About Lavoie: Founded in 2009, Lavoie has served as a reliable Charlotte CPA firm that specializes in strategic financial and operational planning for businesses of all sizes. By delivering state-of-the-art strategic support, Lavoie’s clients can focus on growing their business and soar to the next level of greatness. In addition to providing customized solutions for clients, Lavoie prioritizes social justice issues and is extremely involved in the local Charlotte community.

Our CPA Day of Service

Our CPA Day of Service

For the last six years, the North Carolina Association of Certified Public Accountants (NCACPA) have challenged its members to give back to the community by participating in the CPA Day of Service. The idea came originally from one of NCACPA’s Board of Directors to allow members to “take to their communities and give back in some way”.

As a member of the NCACPA and the Charlotte community, we have made it a priority to participate in this event every year by volunteering with Habitat for Humanity, one of the global nonprofit housing organizations in the US. The organization works toward helping people in the community to build or improve a home and they rely on volunteers to be able to do so.

“Everyone deserves to have a place to call their own regardless of their income level.  Affordable housing is pivotal to reducing poverty in Charlotte and beyond.  Habitat for Humanity Charlotte provides the hand-up needed by thousands of local and global families.   We always look forward to spending the day with the wonderful people at Habitat ReStore and doing our part towards being a part of the solution. Shopping afterwards is always an added perk!  I always find something there!”

– Sharai Lavoie, CEO and Managing Member at Lavoie CPA.

Habitat for Humanity ReStore

On Friday, September 22, all our employees met up at one of the two Habitat ReStores, which functions as the fundraising division of Habitat for Humanity of Charlotte. The ReStores accept donations of new or used items and resells them to the public at a reduced cost. Consequently, Habitat can use the proceeds to build Habitat homes with their local affiliates. There are currently two locations in Charlotte, NC, which allows Habitat to build approximately 10-12 new homes every year.

Volunteers are necessary for Habitat’s success and when it comes to the ReStores they are mostly in need to people to help them with unloading donated items, organizing and cleaning donations, placing the items on the sales floor, and aiding customers with carry-outs of purchased items.

“We had a very rewarding time helping the community and bonding with our Lavoie CPA Team. Habitat is a great organization that helps struggling family’s get on their feet through volunteers and the family working together”

– Doug Burkhart, Senior Financial Consultant at Lavoie CPA

Thank you to Habitat for Humanity for letting us be a part of your mission and giving back. If you are interested in volunteering please visit the Charlotte ReStore website or email the Volunteer Coordinator of Retail Operations at volunteer@charlotterestore.org.

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