Why Cloud (By Default) Gives You Security You Couldn’t Afford Otherwise

Why Cloud (By Default) Gives You Security You Couldn’t Afford Otherwise

Regardless of your industry, security should be a top concern. That’s what makes moving to the cloud so attractive for IT pros. The increased mobility, flexibility, and ability to go serverless all have their place but the default security upgrade you receive by moving to the cloud is undeniably one of the greatest benefits. Microsoft and Lavoie CPA can help you find the solution that’s right for your organization. Contact us today to find out more.

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Customer story: TransBlue

Customer story: TransBlue

Flexibility and mobility are important for any businesses operating in today’s digital age. Especially for small businesses. Without a robust IT department, TransBlue took on the challenge of modernizing their workplace with Microsoft 365. With tools like Skype and Teams, they can collaborate from afar saving them time and resources. Lavoie CPA wants to help you modernize your workplace. Contact us today for more information on how we can help.

A Customer Data Platform Picks Up Where CRM Leaves Off

A Customer Data Platform Picks Up Where CRM Leaves Off

If you’re not leveraging the power of a customer data platform, you might not truly understand your customers. With big data and a modern data platform, your business can drive customer experience to new heights. Azure is that modern data platform. With native AI–you can unlock insights faster from all your data, on-premises and in the cloud. Lavoie CPA and Microsoft are here to help. Contact us to find out how we can help you navigate your journey to the cloud.

Missing Children Society of Canada

Missing Children Society of Canada

Helping find children isn’t an easy business, but Missing Children Society of Canada is using Microsoft Azure and Xamarin to leverage Canada’s social networks to bring missing children home. Azure gives them the scale they need to optimize their use of social media and supports rapid scaling required to take on millions of users. With Lavoie CPA and Microsoft, you can leverage the same power. Contact us to find out more.