How to Improve Your FP&A Process Right Now

How to Improve Your FP&A Process Right Now

FP&A Teams Have the Wrong Focus

According to a recent report by Adaptive Insights, CFOs want their employees to spend less time on collecting and preparing data and more time on forecasting and analysis. The survey revealed that financial planning and analysis (FP&A) teams are currently spending 53% of their time on reporting and data gathering alone.

“Reporting, whether it’s on actuals or forecast or planning should be quick. We shouldn’t be spending a lot of time on that,” says Jim Johnson, CFO of Adaptive Insights. “We should be spending much more time on the model that’s supporting it. The predictive analysis, the key performance indicators and the stuff that is really important for the company.”

There is a good reason why employees should spend more time on analytics. Oracle found that businesses who were effective at integrating financial and operating data, using analytics in processes and utilizing predictive analytics outranked their peers by 70% on profit and revenue.

How Can You Improve Your FP&A Process?

Implement a Dynamic Planning Process

First of all, your business need to incorporate a FP&A process that allow for flexibility. Rolling forecasts, for example, is one way to ensure you are adapting to market forces. Since rolling forecasts ultimately is an approach where you add or drop data on a rolling basis, you consequently have real-time insights to your performance against your predictions. APQC reported that an organization can save a median of 25 days on the annual budgeting cycle by using rolling forecasts.

“It makes no sense to use a 19th-century tool to manage 21st-century company in a volatile global economy,” argues Steve Player, a program director at the Beyond Budgeting Roundtable. “In the old days, the CFO sat in the back of the ship recording what happened. Now, the CFO stands on the bridge looking forward and adjusting for variables.” With Lavoie CPA, you can tap into the expertise of our experienced outsourced CFO services, which bring a wealth of knowledge and industry-specific insights to guide your financial decision-making.

Traditional annual budgets have limits. They often take too long to prepare, and when completed the data is already out of date. Rolling forecasts offer continuous updates to your data and a longer horizon with data up to 12-18 months ahead. Thus, you have much more accurate data and reliable insights. This, as a result, allows you to take more strategic decisions about your business.

Related: How to Improve Your Sales Forecast Accuracy

Make it Easy for Employees to Collaborate

Collaboration among employees and management is crucial for your business. First, they help you realize your goals, but they can also aid in reducing hidden costs. According to research by CEB, hidden budgeting and forecasting costs may prevent companies from realizing their full potential of investments in FP&A improvements.

How do businesses encourage collaboration? There’s one simple answer. Leverage technology.  Cloud-based accounting software is a great solution for companies that have data that needs to be shared and aggregated by more than one employee. In addition, cloud software also allows for employees to access the same data from virtually anywhere. Finally, most cloud-based software providers offers integration with other enterprise systems, which allows you to have one source for your performance management.

Related: A Beginner’s Guide to Cloud Computing


While you may think your business is doing well enough, your competitors are advancing by implementing better FP&A processes like the ones discussed above. Don’t wait, instead, invest in FP&A processes that will help your business achieve outstanding results and reduce hidden costs.

Sage Announces Acquisition of Intacct for $850m

Sage Announces Acquisition of Intacct for $850m

On Tuesday, Sage Group, a U.K. based technology company, announced that they are acquiring Intacct Corporation. It is the largest ever acquisition by Sage, who will be purchasing Intacct for $850 million. The transaction will close within the next few weeks.

Going forward, Intacct will be known as Sage Intacct, and according to Sage, Intacct’s management team will stay the same and continue to be in charge “thereby ensuring continuity for customers, partners, and employees.”

Related: Intacct’s New Tools Provides Focus for Nonprofits

Strategic Acquisition

Strategic consolidation is a way of life in the software industry, as is true in many other industries. But, this combination is exciting because it means more innovation and more paths to efficiency and the next level. Sage and Intacct have branded the acquisition as “the combination that delivers the first and last cloud

Financial Management Solution your business will ever need”.

Some advantages that will result from this acquisition are:

  • Current customers (of either companies) will now have access to additional resources and product functions as a result of the combination
  • Sage will further their reach in the US market
  • As pointed out in Diginomica; “Intacct gets close to top market dollar for its IP in the sense the sale price is equivalent to around 8.8x revenue, a price it could not get in today’s IPO environment”

In the press release by Sage, the CEO of Intacct, Robert Reid said “We are excited to become part of Sage because we are relentlessly focused on the same goal – to deliver the most innovative cloud solutions for our customers”.

In conclusion, this acquisition is a good thing. The combination of two of the leading companies in cloud accounting and financial management software will bring innovation and efficiency. As a result, customers will have more options for leading solutions that supports their business. Thus, everyone involved ends up benefiting.

Read more about the acquisition here, and find the full press release here.

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Community Engagement – Our CSR

Community Engagement – Our CSR

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has gained traction in the past decade with many companies rethinking what their role as corporate citizens should be. One of the roles that we take on as a community member is to invest in our community by giving back to organizations and people who are in need. As a result, our employees participate in volunteering and sponsoring activities in the local Charlotte community every year.

“It is important to give back where you can. If it were not for mentors and others, we would not be where we are. I do believe that each one should teach one and pay it forward”

– Sharai Lavoie, CEO and Managing Member at Lavoie CPA.

Carrie Kirkpatrick Memorial Golf Tournament

Two weeks ago, it was time for the annual and local golf tournament that honors the first African American female golfer in Charlotte – Mrs. Carrie A. Kirkpatrick. Carrie was known as the First Lady and Senior States-woman in the Metrolina Area for African American female golfers. She played golf until she passed at the age of 86.

Sharai looks forward to the event every year as she feels it is a wonderful opportunity to do something she enjoys together with great people and give back to the community at the same time. “It’s the best way to spend an afternoon”, Sharai said.

Denise Shropshire, Jean Thomas, Sharai Lavoie and Humpy Wheeler

The event is organized by Our Lady of Consolation Catholic Church and funds raised via donations and sponsorship help feed and support families in the Statesville Avenue area. The tournament is essential as the funds raised enables the continuation of support for organizations such as St. Martin de Porres Food Pantry and the Lucille Giles Men’s Shelter.

The 8th annual Carrie Kirkpatrick Gold Tournament took place at the Tradition Golf Club in Charlotte, NC. Sharai, who teamed up with Denise and Jean (pictured above) ended up taking 3rd place for women’s.

“This year’s event was wonderful and thankfully not too hot. Also, I am better at golf this year so I could contribute more to my team!”, Sharai said. “Ultimately, it was great to be a part of this year’s event and contribute to their cause. I already look forward to next year!”